What is an App?

An app or application is a collection of files and code that are packaged in a certain way that your computer or phone understands. Now that is out of the way, what do apps look like, where do you get an app and how do you use them?

What do apps look like? 

They are little square images that you can click on, or tap on a phone. Some examples of apps are Chrome, Photoshop, Twitter, YouTube, Mail, banking apps  and millions of others.

Apps on phones or tablets are very similar to apps on a computer.  Sometimes, an App on a phone or tablet will be a webpage as well. Facebook and Twitter are examples of this.

A screenshot of a phone screen showing apps.
There are many apps, here are some.

Apps on phones, in particular, seem to be used everywhere. For example, when I am doing my weekly shop, I use an app for my shopping list, an app to store my loyalty card and vouchers, and a third app to pay for the shopping. This may seem really complicated, but I have everything in one place. I don’t have to worry about bringing my wallet, loyalty card or even a shopping list. 

Apps can allow you to communicate with others as well. Some allow you to make video calls like Duo, FaceTime, Zoom and others. In fact, on Android and iPhones when you make a phone call you are using an app.

Where can you get an App?

The easy way to get an app is from an app store. All computers, phones and tablets now have an app store and they all work in a similar way. You search for the app that you want and then hit an install button to install it. 

Most App Stores have a recommended section that will show you apps that the store thinks you will like. Some app stores have charts that show you what the most popular apps are.

How do I use an app?

This really depends on the app that you want to use. Apps can do many different tasks. For example, the camera that you use to take photos using your phone is an app. You use this app by launching the app, pointing the phone at whatever or whomever you want to take the picture of, and press the button.

Some apps use the built in compass on the phone (yes it has one), some apps use the built in microphone. It really depends on the app and what you want to do with it.

The one thing that is for certain, as the Apple ad used to say: “There is an app for that”.



