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A Beginners Guide to Twitter

What is Twitter?

Twitter was created in 2006 and has grown rapidly in the past decade. It’s now one of the most popular social media platforms with more than 300 million monthly active users worldwide.

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, called tweets. The messages can be up to 280 characters long and can include links, photos and videos. Tweets are public by default but users have the option to change their settings so that only people they follow can see their tweets.

There are a few different ways you can tweak your account settings on Twitter. You can change your username, choose who has access to your Tweets, or even decide how long ago you want people to be able to see your tweets.

Twitter makes it easy for you to customize your account settings with just a few clicks of the mouse!

How to Set Up Twitter

In order to set up an account on Twitter, one must create a username and password. You can then log in using these credentials, or you can connect your account with other social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

The Twitter login screen. The first place a beginner will see.
Twitter signup screen

A user’s profile page contains all of their tweets and the tweets of those who they follow as well as other information about them such as their bio, location and website URL.

What Can You Do with Twitter?

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share and discover what’s happening right now. It is a great way to connect with other people and businesses.

It’s also an easy way to get information about your favorite brands and companies, as well as the latest news. Twitter can also be used for marketing purposes, by sharing content that will attract potential customers or followers.

Using a Hashtag on Twitter

Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by more people. They also allow you to find content that is related to your interests.

Hashtags can be used on any social media platform, but they are most popular on Twitter. When you use a hashtag, it will show up in other people’s feeds who have used the same hashtag.

A tweet from the Nasa account
This is what a tweet looks like.

Direct Messages on Twitter

Direct messages on Twitter are messages that are sent to only one person instead of being broadcast to all followers. It is possible to send Direct Messages to anyone who follows you and has not blocked you.

In the past, people have used Direct Messages on Twitter for a variety of purposes including to express their thoughts, share photos, and be able to communicate with someone privately. However, it is now mostly used as a means of sending spam or unwanted content such as unsolicited links or product promotions.


Retweeting is the act of sharing a tweet from someone else on Twitter. You can retweet by clicking the retweet button underneath a tweet or by copying the tweet and pasting it into your own Twitter feed.

Why do you retweet?

Retweeting is a way to share content that may be of interest to your followers. Retweeting is also an easy way to give credit to someone for their content, which is why many people will often retweet when they are quoting something or referencing another person’s idea.







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